Saturday, February 9, 2008

As the World turns, so our menu evolves

As with the turning of our earth, our winter menu shall pass of this world. It has been a great several months, but the seasonal changes are speaking out to me. Braising and simmering are being flushed from my mind and replaced with dreams of the scent of cherry wood gently smoking. The thought of fiddleheads on the way, and by all things great, another go at the wonder of wonders Morel mushrooms are making me giddy with glee. Ahhhh. Our slow run off of old man winter is about the only thing in the world that tires me at the thought of a good braise, yet fresh greens and the peppery spiced of that first spring radish is all it takes to wake me up again. And so, with Valentines Day as our compass, we point to the next week or so as the curtain of the Spring Menu 2008. The exact date is still to be set, but when they are delivered hot off the press, it will promptly announce SPRING IS HERE!!!

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